Wednesday, December 9, 2009


"Everyone arrived home safely, but what had started as a picturesque snowfall turned into a raging winter storm that continued for almost twenty-four hours dumping several feet of snow on the countryside." from "The Fields of May"

Oh, how I wish I could post some pictures! We are in a blizzard here in Iowa!We went to town (about 1 mile away) for lunch and other than that, I knitted all day. Finished one front half of the lace cardigan I've been making for years! We didn't get too much snow here where we are, but enough and then winds that are unbelievable, relentlessly gusting all day around 50 mph or more. We are hoping they quit soon so we can have decent travel back to Michigan tomorrow. Maybe if they are still coming out of the west we will be blown all the way home! The weather conditions prevented us from accepting an invitation to our friends' home tonight (40 miles from here) for pork loin sandwiches and a visit to their Wednesday evening services. I was really sorry we couldn't go. Most schools and many businesses were closed here today.

I guess our power went out today back home (no storm there yet) according to my daughter's report. I think this is the third time that's happened while we were out of state. This time it was for some unknown reason. Last year at this time an accident caused a huge gas line fire just 3 tenths mile from our house shortly after we left for Iowa. Rhiannon says she is getting tired of this scenario, since she's left home to deal with it! Thankfully the power came back on. I think the power was out when we were on our way home from Tennessee last spring as well. We considered not going home that night because of it, then it came back on. I guess we know when to leave town!

Tomorrow on the way home we will attend the Christmas dinner (in Indiana) for the chaplaincy ministry. I am anxious for that although it will mean wearing dress clothes all the way home from Iowa, oh well! Will post pictures of the blizzard and more when I get home. Blessings, LORI

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