After writing my blog the other day when the church power went out, we had another incident of power outage the very next day! We were all sitting here visiting on Monday evening when suddenly the lights went off--no warning! The sky had turned a bit cloudy and the wind picked up, but no major rain or storms had even occurred. We thought it would last only a few minutes, but to our surprise we were without power until 1:00p.m. on Tuesday. After living in the country for years, I have learned to "draw water" each time there is even a hint or threat of a storm. Too many times in the early years I found myself without power after a storm. It's not a problem to cook--we've always had gas stoves and they can be lit with a match. Not having light does not bother me--I keep plenty of candles and oil lamps on hand. It's the lack of water that is really hard to live with. Out in the country we have well water and the pump will not run when the power is off. I have always wanted to install a pitcher pump for just such occasions!
We were completely caught off guard on Monday. We should have known since Rhiannon warned us earlier in the day. The office at the plant where she works has very sophisticated weather predicting devices since they are dealing with farm work. We waited all day and no rain so we got real comfortable with the fact that nothing was going to happen and we were caugh off guard. She was the only one prepared--she had drawn two buckets of water for her own. Smart girl!
Well, all this made me think of the many warnings in scriptures that tell us to be prepared and not to be caught off guard at the Lord's coming. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is a good one to illustrate this. The wise virgins had oil in their lamps so that when the bridegroom came for the wedding, they were ready. Of course, there's much symbolism that can be understood by delving into the cultural wedding customs that this parable depicts, but for now suffice it to say, we need to be ready to meet the Lord at all times! Even a little thing like a power outage can help us remember what we need to be doing spiritually.
I haven't had the chance to write for several days due to extreme busyness, etc., etc. I'll just go ahead and include the latest news on the end of this older entry. The gardens are producing profusely. Strawberries in abundance. The flower garden is making a very gradual change from the pastel early summer colors to the carnival-colored mid-summer mix. I think it was a more graceful change this year indicting that I must have been effective in adding new plants and dividing and mixing others. Hooray!
Today we took Emma on her first trip to the zoo. She is crazy about her little books that have animals in them. She imitates the monkey and the seal and loves to be bounced up and down to imitate the kangaroo. We surely had fun. She took a nap in the wagon midday and we all wished we could have too!
The weather is lovely and I'm planning on transplanting a few flowers yet this evening. I'm in the process of adding an old lace tablecloth to the top posts of my big bed frame "room" out in the garden. I thought it a fitting use for a tablecloth that was showing wear. The lace will provide a bit of sun shade over the top of the area and look pretty too. It's a very heavy weave and should stand up well to the elements.
Last week I picked up an old wooden baby crib and springs alonside the road. Turned on their ends, the side bars will make great trellises. The end pieces will make wonderful "fences" for the delphiniums and other top-heavy flowers to lean against. I already buried the springs on one end for a morning glory trellis. I plan to paint the other pieces before adding them to the garden. Strangely enough, I found the free crib at the house next to the one where I bought the bed several years ago that serves as my garden "room." I guess I'll have to keep scanning that street for garden ornaments! What a coincidence. Blessings, LORI
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