Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Garden Stones

Yesterday Rhiannon and I made garden stones! We didn't know what we were doing for sure. I was working from memory of a project I did a few years ago at a craft night. We saved broken dishes and little stuff to use for several years. Finally we got brave enough to try. I ruined two of the stones today while trying to turn them out of the molds. They were apparently not dry enough yet. Our weather turned rainy and cold last night and I think they needed more drying and setting time.

We learned some things and are anxious to try again. I am discouraged with myself. I saved an oval casserole pan--perfect mold for stones--for several years. I got it in a box of "free" junk at a garage sale. Along with that I saved several large pieces of broken transferware (my favorite style of dishes) to use in making these stones. Just a few weeks ago I threw out the oval pan and dishes in a barn-cleaning frenzy. I figured I would never get around to using them and out they went in a rash-trash moment. I mentioned the project to Rhiannon and she thought it sounded like fun. Suddenly I realized the other supplies I needed would be really inexpensive and obtained them. I went to get the oval pan and broken glass and realized it was gone! Still not recovered from that. I'll be on the lookout for another oval pan. I did save the heart shaped ones and a ruffled cheesecake pan for molds. We live and learn. Blessings, LORI


  1. I think we need to put more pieces in the stones. That top one looks empty. We should carry on the family tradition by throwing some plates against the wall! Then we could use the pieces for stones!

  2. To add to Rhi's comment and explain, once when some of the relatives got new dishes, a celebration was held where the old dishes, apparently very well-used, were thrown against the wall in glee to welcome the new set! It is an old family story that brings a lot of joy when told. It ranks right up there with the other old family story--shooting down a Christmas tree from the woods on Thanksgiving afternoon, bringing it home and decorating it for the holidays! It would be too normal to use a saw like most people!

  3. I love my family! Oh and just a correction Mom, you said, "It ranks right up there with the OTHER story" as if there are only two! We should let people know that these two are just the tip of the iceberg!

  4. Sounds like story time to me.
