Friday, October 9, 2009


Yesterday I made a flying trip to Kalamazoo to pick up the surprise item! Yes, it's here! I'll not tell you what it is yet because I want to post a picture to reveal its identity and while some assembly is still required--actually all of the assembly is still required--the item will not be named yet! I was very excited. I'm a little bummed because I'm so busy for the next several days, I don't know when the item can be put together. I have some preliminary work to do on it, then Clint has to assemble it.

I've been touched in my heart about alot of things to write in the last few days, especially yesterday. I heard the "flu" mentioned so many times yesterday and today that I can't help but think it's on eveyone's mind right now. I want to give some encouragments along that line but will wait til the next post to do so.

Am doing alot of work for tomorrow's ladies' meeting at which I will speak. Please pray for me! I hope to have lots of interest in my books as well as deliver a message that I feel the Lord really wants to share with people. I'll be speaking twice during the day--both times on the same subject but with a little different slant each time. My topic is "Hearing the Lord's Voice." Hearing God is a favorite subject of mine. I've diligently journaled during my devotional times for years and tried to pay close attention to how the Lord wants to speak to me through the scriptures, His still, small voice communicating to my heart, and once He even spoke to me and confirmed something which I have just come to recently believe was a sign--as in a "sign or wonder." I'll share that story with you at a later time and you decide what you think of it! I think you'll find it very encouraging. I will be sharing that tomorrow in the morning session and by the very unique nature of what happened, I hope the story will open the door for my afternoon session. Hopefully it will encourage the ladies that hearing God speak and direct you begins with a relationship with Him--first through salvation through Jesus and then in a continuing, vital, close, day by day relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. This involves being in the word on a regular basis.

I've been canning alot of applesauce. Took a break today. Yesterday's batch was incredibly good. Many of the Jonathan apples got in the mix and the result was a beautiful, breathtakingly pink product that tasted as good as it looked! I've got 13 quarts so far. Many more apples yet to can, but they have to wait until tomorrow. I've had only enough time for a 6-7 quart cooker full per day! I use Jonathan, Cortland, and McIntosh together. I've always been pleased with the results but this year I doubled the Jonathans. Good idea. Let me know if you any guesses on the surprise item. You see them in many fairytales. Blessings, LORI

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