Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hi, Friends! I hope you are having a lovely fall Sunday. We had quite a few people in church this morning, compared to the last few Sundays. It was good to see everyone once again. Clint preached about missions as we made the final collection of our shoeboxes that will go overseas for children who need basic items for Christmas. We had a grand total of 33 boxes that were filled with school supplies, small toys, etc. Clint had the children come forward and pray over the boxes before we sent them out. We were asked to realize the impact that a small thing like this can have in the lives of people all around the world.

Clint's sermon was very convicting as he helped us see the "bigger picture" involved in missions. He related some instances to us that we've been directly involved in. For instance, the church we support in Kerugoya, Kenya has about 1000 people attending on a Sunday morning and much of the reason is because we and some other churches helped both physically and monetarily to get a building built where they could worship and reach out to their community. He also mentioned another change drive that we are involved in. We put out a bowl for change and even though our little church only collected around $13, added together with all the other churches that participate, the amount has sometimes neared $20-$30 thousand dollars that is then matched and sent to relieve hunger and needs around the world.

This year our upcoming bazaar will have five mission focuses--all local. This means that five separate ministries will be blessed with extra funds because of what we were able to do. It just goes to show that a little goes along way when God is in it. It reminds me of the last blog post I did. Small changes. Only a little effort makes a huge difference over the long haul.

Our church usually has 4 mission focuses divided up in three month segments throughout each year. Over the life of our pastorate that means alot! It seems so insignificant at the time, but we've got to keep looking at the bigger picture and not get weary in well-doing. This was a good word for me since I tend to shy away from missions. That's not because I'm against mission work--exactly the opposite is true--I just am a person that is geared toward projects where I can see a tangible result for my efforts. In mission endeavors, you often don't see where the money went and seldom do you actually get to go to any of the places you supported. Bcause I am drawn to needlework and many "hands on, labor intensive," activities where you actually see the results, I think that accounts for why the more vague and obscure things are often hard for me to embrace. But Clint's sermon today really made me think and reconsider my participation. When he began listing all the stuff we've been able to do, I realized that even a few people in a little church like ours have a big impact. This would be missed greatly if we just quit and decided not to do anything because we thought it was small and insignificant. He also helped us to realize that things like the boxes that we sent out this morning represent more than just school supplies and toys. They are a tool for effective evangelism. Proverbs says that a man's gift makes a way for him. When these small things are given in Jesus' name, people remember that it was Jesus that was glorified and magnified. That's exactly what we want to do. Good food for thought.

Here's today's clue for "what's coming to my house--hopefully within a week ,": It is bigger than a breadbox. Rumplestiltskin and Sleeping Beauty. Care to guess?

Blessings, LORI

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