Friday, April 1, 2011


THE SIGNS OF SPRING IN THE ENGLISH GARDEN--AND HOPE AND A FUTURE! Just a little update...I want to continue the story of how we're surviving against all odds with the sudden reduction in income! I hope this post encourages you. Here's part two of "A HOPE AND A FUTURE" Proverbs 24:10 says, "If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small."

I often remember that one in difficult times! Our past experiences of life prepared us for this step of leaving a secure pastorate with no plans for the future. Years ago when our children were small and we were attending Bible school, I learned how to economize in drastically reduced circumstances. We put some of these principles back into practice in the last few months. I didn't use my dryer at all this winter except for a quick "fluff up" of clothes that had been dried on clothes bars in the house or on the clothesline. Yes, it's possible!

We ate very inexpensively. It's like the Lord prepared us a few months ago when Rhiannon and I were shopping one day and got some incredible deals on meat--enough to last us most of the winter. It all went in the freezer. I also raised meat chickens last spring not knowing what was coming--which meant I didn't have to buy chicken. All of last year's canning was on the shelf as well. This enabled us to buy only the temporary type groceries that I can't make myself--staple type foods.

In addition to those things, I got a job that I'd been desiring for years. This was a move of God that came at the perfect time--something I couldn't have predicted. Clint has also been working part time jobs and just when we need more money, he gets a call, it seems. God has been very good to us and come through for us in amazing ways. But part of that is also that He has taught us principles in His word that make it possible to live frugally and wisely. We still give of the money we do have to His work. This is like a seed and He returns us a harvest in various forms. Long ago we learned to tithe and I'd recommend it to any believer! I believe that the principles of giving have helped to see us through. More updates later....lots of exciting things going on in our lives....Blessings to you! LORI


  1. We've definitely experienced God's faithfulness these last 6 months with no income but He has never failed us! An exciting journey it is!

  2. Yes, Amen! What a testimony you have! This is actually the second time in our lives we have done something similar to our family just called to live like this or what??????

  3. I especially like it that you are still tithing/giving!

    I look forward to hearing more of your "story"!, Lori!

  4. Thanks, Rebecca! I am anxious to share more and will probably weave the continuing saga in with other posts for the next while!
