Thursday, July 7, 2011


I decided to title this post, "Back to the Old Ways," in honor of not having a picture to post! I used to post long articles in the old days, with no pictures.

I've been so busy I haven't had time to do much but work. Last evening I picked a good bunch of wild black raspberries in the fencerows of our farm! I thank the Lord for those each year. They make the best jelly ever! It was peaceful out there and I got a good extended time of prayer in while I worked. However, the garb I had to don for that work is interesting indeed. Long pants, long shirt, bandana (I want to avoid ticks!), straw hat (same reason), bug spray, and boots. Why do the berries always ripen in the hottest part of the summer so you can be so comfortable in that get-up?

The brambles and bugs are both very thick. But last evening I had an easier time that usual. My hands were barely even stained and I came out of the patches relatively unscathed--until I turned across our field and headed toward the beautiful patches at the east side of our woods. The sun had already dipped behind the front of the trees and the mosquitoes literally chased me. I couldn't get back out into the field and into the sun fast enough. It was awful. We've had a lot of rain and I suppose that accounts for the onslaught!

Getting very close to the publication of my third book, "The Call From a Distant Field." I am excited, of course. I have a small amount of re-reading to do then it goes to the publisher who is currently working on the cover. I hope it is out by September. I will be speaking for a ladies' prayer group later this month and had originally hoped to have it by then--my own fault!

Will try to post pictures again soon. I have lots of projects going on. We are very busy right now and I've been putting in more hours at work. I love my job and so that's ok. I welcomed four new chickens to the farm last week and they are growing fast. Our barn sale was a huge success and we're glad to have everything cleaned out! Blessings, LORI

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