Monday, September 20, 2010


"She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands."
Here's a picture of how I spent my day today! Our county fair is underway and I was demonstrating spinning in the women's arts building along with others from the spinning and weaving guild that I attend.
I had a great day. One of the gals helped me adjust and oil my wheel and then the spinning was easy and fun. I replaced the drive band a few days ago and hadn't spun all summer. It was suddenly very easy again and I got some great yarn (for me!). The yarn you see me spinning here is 50% Alpaca, 50% Wool--my favorite blend so far! I really like the natural heathered color. I am striving to spin yarn fine enough to use for sock knitting since I have a goal of becoming a knitter of lace socks. I think the handspun, naturally colored yarns will look great done up in lace patterns, sort of an unusual combination!
I hope to be spinning at the fair every day this week. Tomorrow my husband and I will serve as helpers in the Miracle of Birth Tent for the third or fourth year in a row. Several animals are there waiting to give birth. Lambs have already been born this week. I will probably keep an eye on the chick incubator while Clint acts as a general host, answering questions and helping wherever needed.
I've been enjoying the county fair since I can't remember how long! I was in 4H and began exhibiting projects years ago. This year I entered 11 items in open class categories. Report on that at the end of the week!
Hopefully more pictures later this week! Blessings, LORI


  1. Did you learn with a drop spindle first or did you go right into the wheel? I attended a class to learn drop spindle and it was quite taxing. Can a person skip that part and go right to the wheel?

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. So cool. I have a friend here in Tennessee who spins. I find it fascinating.

  3. It sounds like a full and wholesome week! It's interesting to see you "in action". My goodness! Lace stockings! That sounds like a delicate project. I'll be watching to see how this endeavor develops.

  4. Louellen, I tried drop spindle years ago. Though they said I was doing well, it looked like a big mess to me. I quit that, invested in a wheel and was spinning in no time. Finished my alpaca/wool blend today and it is quite nice if I do say so myself. Yes, you can go straight to the wheel! So much easier!

  5. Mary, It is fascinating! I absolutely love it. Sat and spun for about 4 hours today and loved every minute of it.

  6. Rebecca: Check my post of January 23 this year to see my lace gloves! I am a "lace fan," but have not knitted much lace. I am a tatter, and bobbin lacer. Have posts on bobbin lace somewhere as well! More pics in the near future of more "wholesome" activities.
