Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I spent some long, leisurely afternoons over the weekend making lavendar wands out of the profusion of lavender that grows along my front landscaping.

Here are a few pictures of the wands. I misunderstood the directions and found a better way to weave them after making several. Oh, well! We learn from our mistakes. But in this case, even the mistakes are pretty and useful!

I've been drying a lot of flowers lately. Lavendar is one I have in abundance. I have never regretted planting it. I will also dry baby's breath and several herbs. Our weather is very conducive to drying right now. We desperately need rain and it's been in the 90's! So unusual for us this early in the summer. Our lawns are burned up and if you don't irrigate your gardens, they are probably already gone. We are hoping for a few showers soon!

Blessings, LORI


  1. Tell me more about these! Are they strictly decorative? I ♥ lavender. I only have one plant and SO wish for more.

    It's very hot and dry here, also. So sad.

  2. mmm... I love the smell of lavender. Sounds like the weather there is our usual weather!! Hope it rains soon!!

  3. Interesting, a different use for Lavender.
