Monday, July 23, 2012

Memorial Day

I've been really having a hard time getting time to load pictures and write blogs! We are so busy and our time is quite limited. I thought I'd post this picture of me on Memorial Day next to my Grandpa's grave. He was a soldier in WW1. I picked flowers from my garden and wrapped them in wet paper towels and then foil to place a few on several family members' graves that day. As a Brownie years ago, we and the Girl Scouts used to make up these little bouquets and race to the soldiers' graves as soon as the ceremony was over to place flowers and make sure none were missed. I always wanted to be first to get to my grandpa's grave, but his is on the far side of the cemetery and I'm not a fast runner! I never was the one to place his flowers, but this year I finally was the one to place some flowers! It was a very hot day and I hope you had a nice time honoring loved ones as well. Blessings, LORI

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