Thursday, August 18, 2011


This post is dedicated to my new grandson, Huxley Owen Zehr, who came on the scene early this morning in Colorado Springs. We received a call at about 6:06 Michigan time saying they were on their way to the hospital. At 6:50 we received another call--Huxley was born at 6:45, Michigan time! This is not unusual. His sisters were born very swiftly as well, Emma's midwife completely missing the birth as was the situation this time if I have the facts straight! I am told that 60 more seconds and Huxley would have been born in the hallway! We are praising the Lord for this very easy delivery and a healthy baby boy, the first boy in Kori's direct line of women for about 80 years, if I have that fact straight. Doesn't Kori look great! What a good mom she is. Emma and Sophie are welcoming a new baby brother!

Kori's sister flew in to Colorado Springs yesterday to join Kori and this was an answer to prayer for Huxley to arrive right at this time--God is so good! We were saying this was the best possible scenario and then the Lord worked that out! Huxley was due yesterday, but Kori's sister was also due to arrive in town yesterday. By his birth happening this morning, Kori has the optimum advantage of her sister's help for a full week!

This little fellow will carry on the Zehr name from Clint's family since there were no other boys in his grandfather's line with the Zehr name.

Huxley is protesting here! I'm not sure why, probably being poked and annoyed with the new bright light and all the things that have to be done to a newborn!

It looks like a soothing bath and a more peaceful Huxley. I understand he will be nicknamed, "Huck." We all love his name, an English name that means, "Outdoorsman," completely perfect for this family!

Welcome Huxley, congratulations JT and Kori, Emma and Sophie, and may God's richest blessings rest on all of you! Granny will be coming to see you in two weeks!


  1. I really like his name, too, Lori! Congratulations. You must be very, very excited to see him.

  2. Congratulations and what a wonderful birth.
