Thursday, September 19, 2013


SHE WILL WIN AND WIN BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! Well, at least on the flowers! I got a blue ribbon and the Judges' Choice! I work hard for Judges' Choice ribbons since they represent what the judges think is the nicest in a category and carry an extra $10 premium prize!
 I also got a blue ribbon on some of my canned meat. Not as many blue ribbons as some years, but that's ok. I also got another blue ribbon on my pressed flower pictures plus a 2nd place Judges' Choice on those ($5 extra premium). I couldn't get a good picture of them while on the shelf so will include one later in the week after I pick them up.
 Next is a picture of some items in the display we spinners have in another barn. I've been there demonstrating spinning almost every day this week. Walked over yesterday on my lunch hour and got in about 45 minutes of spinning. This little antique wheel is the one I purchased a year ago at a local sale. It looks great draped with a needle felted Santa made by one of the group members. You can see other handmade items (many handspun) in the background. A braid of burgundy roving ready to spin adorns the wheel also as well as a blue ball of roving and some socks.
 Here I am holding some locks of wool ready to be processed for spinning. Can't remember the type.
 A pretty bad looking picture of me and Nellie, my spinning wheel at the spinner's booth. The lace scarf on the wall behind me (far right corner) is one I spun and knitted.
 Some Icelandic yarn I finished this week. Brought it home and washed it last night.
 The same yarn pictured on a porch chair. I spun more of the same today as well as Cormo. It was a blessing to have other spinners there to help me today since I consider myself a novice. I had pretty much every imaginable issue going on today. Inconsistent spinning, problems with plying, yarn from an unused bobbin spinning accidentally into another thread, etc., etc., up to and including keys locked in car and dead cell phone as well as the grounds being soaked in rain, mud, and all that comes with animals walking back and forth for the events, if you know what I mean! Well, we all have those days, but I kept thinking how happy I was about the two Judges' Choice ribbons and it was all worth it! Blessings, Lori


  1. Congratulations on your ribbons! Where does Icelandic yarn come from?

  2. Thank you, K. family! The Icelandic I was spinning comes from Centreville, Michigan, where our Fair is held and our home town, though we live near the next town over. A lady in our group raises Icelandic sheep and she gave me two huge balls of roving several years ago. I'm still working on it. Icelandic sheep are from Iceland, as I understand and are quite a pure breed.
