Friday, March 26, 2010


Welcome to "FOUNDER'S FRIDAY," my new feature on my blog, "Filigree From Fields and Fences."

I hope you will enjoy this new weekly post as I devote my Friday blogs to the founding fathers (and mothers!) of America. I have been seeking what I may do to be a voice for freedom and righteousness in my country and have decided that this new feature is one small way I might accomplish that goal.

This week was a sobering one for me as you know if you read my last post. I turned 49 and what should be a remembered as a day of celebrating life is now to be remembered in another way. I believe March 23, 2010 is the day freedom in America as we have known it, died. My birthday is the day our president signed the health care bill that has now become the law of the land. This bill is poised to force Americans to buy a product they don't want, (amongst other atrocities) and that's not freedom. My heart is grieving for the America we are losing. That's the reason for the pictures I have posted today. I hope they reflect this thought. As well as that, I wanted to include a picture of a national cemetery, but oops! I deleted it and couldn't get it back. Will post that eventually, I suppose. I believe it symbolizes all I want to say today as well as honors the people that have fought for freedom throughout the years. This particular cemetery is where my Civil War grandfather is buried. He was a Union soldier who died while walking home from the war. We are almost 100% sure that he took sick at some point in the war and was hospitalized in what was then one of the largest Union hospitals nearby. He and so many like him in our wars have fought for ideals that are now being systematically thrown away by many of our leaders.

Did you know that on my birthday in 1775, Patrick Henry, a key American patriot, gave a speech that became famous? It was his "Give me liberty or give me death," speech. It was given in St. John's church in Richmond, Virginia--YES! in church!!! Imagine that?! Apparently back then it was permissible to speak out on public affairs in a church! As I understand it, the Second Virginia Convention was meeting there. My, how we've slipped! We Christians have allowed the secular world to shut us up and no one would consider using a church building for an official meeting of government now!

I am highlighting my birthday, which represents life to me, March 23, as the day that I believe freedom DIED but also remembering it as the day someone declared "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!" Interesting isn't it? Do you suppose anyone knew last Tuesday that we should have been celebrating liberty and reflecting and focusing on something that a famous American once said?

The Bible in Leviticus 25: 10, speaks of the year of Jubilee (well, for me I was one year short of 50!), a huge celebration of freedom, "And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants...." God is all about liberty and freedom as can be seen throughout the scriptures. A society where freedom reigns is pleasing to God because He is interested in the well-being of mankind. He longs for our complete freedom in Him and good days for His creation.

While at Mt. Rushmore a few years ago we took this picture of the presidents. It looks as if they're crying, doesn't it? It seemed really appropriate to me to post this just now. This week I hope you will remember Patrick Henry's words, "...I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" Blessings, LORI

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea Lori. I think more of us need to know the truth about our God and our country and how the freedom of one is made possible by the Other. Less God is a sure way to have less freedom and we are quickly becoming subject to more and liberated from less.

    Happy late birthday!
