Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I suppose some of you have been wondering why I haven't posted as often as usual lately. Well, this week the reason is that someone borrowed my camera card and I haven't been able to take pictures to make the posts more interesting. And to add to that--there isn't much interesting going on here right now! Winter in the north can be rather confining. I've experienced that more than ever this year. Without the chicken chores to do, I don't even get outdoors as much as I used to in other years.

The slowed economy has affected us a bit and we stay home more often than we used to. For instance, we usually went out to eat at least once during a weekend and I noticed last week that I was watching the same television program on a Saturday evening for the fourth week in a row! Now, that's unusual!

I even got out my Old English course a few days in a row and studied a bit. Kori and JT got me this course for Christmas a few years ago and I haven't finished it. I love to study the roots of our language--to me it is fascinating.

So, being kind of "closed in" there is less to post about! However, I have been writing on my series and am getting close to completely finishing the third book. I am in the "tweaking" stages, adding chapter titles, checking wording, etc. Soon it will go to the proofreader.

I have an upcoming speaking engagement in March and I'm getting ready for that already. I'm doing alot of tatting so that I will have bookmarks to sell along with books.

So, for now that's about it. Longing for my garden........ Stay tuned and keep the faith! Blessings, LORI


  1. It sounds like you are making good use of your confining winter.

  2. Mary, I'm going out on a limb here...as far as making good use of a confining winter...wait til you see the next post! I hope to arrange for a picture of a very interesting project! Stay tuned!
