Sunday, May 5, 2013


Welcome to our farm!

                       Here's a view of the front of our house.

A pretty pile of boulders (common on our farm) down by the mailbox. Wildlife love this overgrown meadow area.

A favorite, well-rented birdhouse down in the double windbreak (crabapples and serviceberries) by the road.

The treasured tulips! These are in the beds by the driveway.

More of the same. We ordered 5 more varieties yesterday at the Holland Tulip Festival!

More of the driveway beds. Tulips, phlox, and other groundcover.

Tulips up near the house.

Daffodils out in the English garden rock garden, complete with a dragonfly that I didn't see when I snapped the picture!

Bright blue woodland flowers transplanted to backside of the English garden.

My raised beds planted with strawberries, onions, lettuce...and yes, a dandelion!

The peas Emma helped me plant. Why the chicken wire? To keep the chickens OUT! They love to eat these tender seedlings.

The little chicks. They are growing rapidly and are now "teenagers!"

Blessings, LORI

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed visiting with you today Lori and especially seeing your house.
