Friday, August 16, 2013


I couldn't resist taking this picture of my vegetable garden the other morning when I went to let the chickens out. This birdhouse sits atop a post between the corn patch and the rest of the vegetables. I love the morning glory climbing its way up the fence and post. The next day, yesterday, I harvested the first of our corn. This was a big moment as we worked so hard at planting and caring for the first corn patch we've planted in years. It seems to be our best ever, so far. After work I froze 8 quarts. It was a lengthy job, but very nice corn. I probably could have waited a few more days for it to mature, but it was very tender right now and so I went ahead with the process. There will be more coming in the next week or two.

Today I canned 12 quarts of peaches--alone. I usually have help and would have preferred it for such a job, but no one was available. Here are the tools of the process. Aren't the peaches a beautiful color? My McDonald's cup is a "must" as well--filled with iced tea. Behind my cup is my big bin of sugar--also a must for the way we like our peaches! I have gotten only about half the peaches done. I will start again tomorrow and hopefully will have help this time! Today I borrowed Mom's kitchen, pictured here. I ended up in my kitchen before the whole process was over, using both stoves and both our sinks. Always looking for more efficient ways to can fruits and vegetables!
Here the cooker is being loaded with the filled jars. I can fit seven in this cooker. I have another cooker that holds more, but it takes much longer to heat up, so I stick to smaller batches. These will taste so good in the winter! See the smaller jar? It is a "pint-and-a-half" size. I love these. Purchased them long ago at a garage sale and the size is perfect for our little family. We can finish a whole jar of this size for a meal. With the quarts, we have leftovers. I wish I had more of these! I hope you are enjoying this harvest season! Blessings, Lori

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lori, the peaches look delish!. I haven't gotten to my magazine yet. I have heard of the Jane Austen spinning teacher Kate Larson has an article or two in a few of the issues. I look forward to seeing them someday. Enjoy your wonderful Michigan day. ~lou~
