I decided to make Victorian rag dolls for the girls for Christmas. This is Betsy, Sophie's doll. I hope to picture Emma's doll on a future post. I was able to construct these dolls from scraps I had laying around. I don't think I purchased one single thing in the process. I always love to create bargain items.
I was really impressed with how these dolls turned out. I hadn't made dolls for years. Decided to alter the pattern just a bit and so I used black velvet to make the legs appear to have old fashioned high top shoes on and still left the main part of the legs in muslin color. Here's a close up of Betsy's feet.
Hopefully more details to follow when we get some pictures of Emma's doll, Charlotte! Blessings, LORI
Very clever. I agree it is much more satisfying to be able to make something with 'left overs'.