If you diligently heed wth voice of the Lord you God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.
Exodus 15:26
Hi, Friends! I hope you enjoyed the pics of the spinning wheel and family! For the next while I'll be posting thoughts on scriptures that I have underlined or highlighted in my Bible. A Christian for 30+ years, I have done much Bible reading and studying. I thought I'd share some of my favorite verses with you and the insights that the Holy Spirit gives me when I read.
The verse at the top of today's post is one of my favorites. It is sometimes known as the Old Testament divine healing covenant. It is the verse that reveals to us one of God's seven redemptive names--Jehovah Rapha--the Lord who heals.
This verse is so precious to me because I know my Lord is a Healer and even attaches that important part of His personality to one of His names. Another verse just "around the corner" from this one is Exodus 20:24. In part it says, "....In every place where I record My name I will come to you and bless you." I like to cross reference my Bible and these two are cross referenced because they compliment one another so beautifully. God promises to "bless" us at the recording of His names. I take that to mean that He wants us to draw on what His names reveal about Him for the blessings that we need. The Israelites were to remember His names and the revelation of His character each time He gave them more information about Himself. Remember the Old Testament saints did not have a full revelation of the nature of God. Especially as early as Exodus, people were still learning about God. The Israelites did not know all that much about Him. Their wilderness journey and release from slavery was a learning experience about the God they were now serving.
When I feel symptoms of some sickness coming on, I get my Bible out as soon as I can and begin reading all the scriptures I have underlined that concern healing. Exodus 15:26 is the first one I read. It blesses me. If you read the verses before this one, you will realize that the Israelites were not far into their journey when the incident that caused a need for healing occurred. The waters were bitter in the place where they were camped and they needed to drink and water livestock. When Moses cried out to God for help, God showed him a tree. When Moses cast the tree into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There is so much that could be said here, but let me try to wrap it up quickly. Often in the scriptures, waters represent people. The "tree," I believe, is a type of the cross of Christ. When the redemption that Christ secured for us through his death and resurrection is applied to a group of people (the waters!) the waters or people are made "sweet." Isn't that a great concept to ponder? The waters were healed! Of course, there are lots of kinds of healing, but many other verses indicate that the price Christ paid on the cross (the tree) is a complete healing for the needs of mankind; physical, spiritual, emotional--everything we need.
It always amazes me that when you begin reading the Bible and centering on one verse, you could tie that verse into so many others. Probably as you read this today, you thought of other verses that apply as well! The Word of God is a wonderful revelation that compliments and explains itself. I hope what I shared today blessed you. Ponder it and read it. See what the Lord shows you about these truths. Blessings, LORI
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